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Sparkle & Smile

Blog for Cleaner and Healthier Homes

Green Cleaning Tips and Tricks

Removing Stubborn Wax

Decorating for the holidays is one of my favorite things to do.  Because my daughter was born on Thanksgiving ten years ago, I have Thanksgiving dinner in my home.  This way we can celebrate my daughter’s birthday and Thanksgiving at the same time with all the people we love.  About five days after the birthday/Thanksgiving celebration, we decorate for Christmas.

Because I use alot of candles as decorative pieces, I have a lot of wax buildup in my candle holders and votives.  It used to take me so long to try and get the wax out that sometimes I would just give up and place a new candle on top of the old wax, or I would go and buy new holders.  But not anymore!

This year, I tried two new ways to get candle wax out of my candleholders that I would like to share with you.  Now we can all have fresh, clean , beautiful looking candles and holders to decorate our homes with this holiday season:

The freezer method:

After the candle wax in the votive has cooled completely, place the votive holder in the freezer.  You can keep it in there for a few hours, or even overnight.  The freezing temperature will cause the wax to shrink, which will eventually release it from the glass votive holder.

After taking the votive holder out of the freezer, apply a little pressure to the wax.  The wax should pop right out.  If the wax does not come out, try using a spoon or a butterknife and pry around the edges until it comes loose.

To make the glass shine, clean it with vinegar.  

The heat method:

Pour abour and inch of boiling water into a flat container that is big enough to hold all of the votives that need to be cleaned.  Place the holders into the container and leave them there for a few minutes.  Using a spoon or a butterknife, pry around the edges of the wax until it gets loose enough to pull out.

Clean and shine the glass with vinegar.

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