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Blog for Cleaner and Healthier Homes

Green Cleaning Tips and Tricks

Surprising Places Where Germs Hide in Your Home

germy2Many surfaces and objects that we come in contact every day are covered in germs.  When cleaning  our homes, most of us try to eliminate germs as by doing our usual cleaning, such as wiping down counters, scrubbing floors, and cleaning toilets.  But what about those “hidden” germs found on items we don’t really think about cleaning?

Here are some places where germs might be lurking in your home:

  • Kitchen sponges.  We use them to clean dishes all the time but how many times do we actually clean  the sponge itself?  Try and clean your sponge at least once a week by putting it in the microwave on high for two minutes to kill off germs.
  • Kitchen handles, buttons, and door knobs. Clean those handles frequently with soap and warm water, especially before and after preparing a meal.
  • Coffee maker.  Running a solution of equal parts of water and white vinegar through the coffee machine once a month helps get rid of bacteria and mold.
  • Cutting boards contain more germs and bacteria than you think!  Clean your cutting boards with half of a lemon dipped in salt, or spray on a mixture of vinegar and water and wipe.
  • Pillows.  Avoid dust mites living in your pillows by covering them with anti-allergen covers.  These covers also help protect pillows from other outside germs getting in.
  • Laundry baskets.  The odor and grime from sweaty clothes and dirty socks and underwear sits in the laundry basket, soiling the basket itself.  Spray and wipe basket down with a natural homemade disinfectant made up of two cups vinegar and three drops tea tree essential oil.
  • Contact Lens cases.  We clean our contact lenses, but how many times do we clean the lens case?  Try wiping out contact lens cases after each use with hot water, and replace it every month.
  • Toothbrushes.  Rinse toothbrushes thoroughly after use.  Allow them to dry completely.  Once a week, dip toothbrushes in a cup of hydrogen peroxide to clean off germs.  Replace toothbrushes every three months.
  • Bath Mats.  Wet bath mats can sometimes create a moldy environment.  Clean mats with very warm water and soap.  Use equal parts vinegar and water to disinfect.  Dry thoroughly.

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