Sparkle & Smile

Blog for Cleaner and Healthier Homes

Healthy Home

Fresh New Take – 20 Ways to Overhaul Your Spring Routine

Fresh New Take: 20 Ways to Overhaul Your Spring Routine

Refresh, organize, revitalize…

                                                               …three small but powerful words to live by.

Every now and then I take a step back and look at my life.  Most of the time I am happy with what I see.  However, there are times I need to re-evaluate and find a fresh new way of dealing with things that don’t seem to be going my way.

Recently Maid Brigade has partnered up with Organizing U Home Organizers and Working Moms Against Guilt, to make our lives a little easier , a little more healthy, and a lot less stressful – all to improve our overall well-being. Our fresh, new “Lookbook” is filled with 20 of the best tips – things like how to declutter and how to refresh your living space – to help you jump into the spring season in tip top shape, physically, mentally, and environmentally green!

Check it out and let us know how you like it:  Fresh New Take: 20 Ways to Overhaul Your Spring Routine 



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