Whether we like it or not, snow is a given during the winter months in some states. However, using a snow blower to remove snow isn’t very green.
Gas-powered snow blowers are big polluters! According to the EPA, the typical two-cycle snow blower emits nearly a pound of air-polluting carbon monoxide for every hour it runs.
More eco-friendly snow blowers include battery-powered ones, which run between 45-60 minutes on a single charge. There are also eco-friendly “power shovels,” which are suitable for smaller jobs such as the steps or walkway, but they must be plugged in.
The greenest way to remove snow is to burn calories instead of gas by using an old-fashioned shovel. Some back-saving options are “snow scoop” shovels, which “slide” snow off your driveway, and shovels that use your body weight to push the snow, which reduces pressure on your back and knees. If you have health concerns, always check with your doctor before shoveling.
Pass on the salt!
Seems harmless enough, but the rock salt typically used to melt ice isn’t as innocuous as you might think. Salt seeps into our soil, harbors and streams, contributing to erosion and the killing of marine life. It can also get into our drinking water. Use environmentally friendly material such as sand instead of chemical salts.
Spread sand or gravel over icy paths and driveways, and sweep up afterward.
Maid Brigade House Cleaning Services cares about the health of you and your family. For more information on healthy green living and green cleaning, please log on to greencleancertified.com or maidbrigade.com. For more information on “Household Cleaning Products and Breast Cancer”, please watch our video at greencleancertified.com/greentv.