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Blog for Cleaner and Healthier Homes

Green Cleaning Tips and Tricks Uncategorized

Clean your Home with Natural Green Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning products don’t have to be harsh or toxic in order to clean your home effectively.  Use natural green cleaning products instead.  Choosing environmentally friendly cleaning products can help decrease lung irritants and the amount of chemicals into the home.  Some of the best natural green cleaning supplies can be found right in your kitchen cabinet.

Vinegar can be used to clean your home in an environmentally friendly way.  Vinegar can be used to clean toilet bowls and showers, and also to remove stubborn stains.

Baking soda is the most popular non-toxic cleaning product.  It is very useful and cleans in a gentle, but effective way.  Baking soda can be used in a variety of ways, from cleaning drains to deodorizing carpets.

Castile soap is a bar of soap that can be made into homemade laundry soap, liquid soap, or bath soap.  Castile soap has cleaning and disinfectant properties.

Using natural green cleaning products is a healthy and inexpensive way to clean! 

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