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Blog for Cleaner and Healthier Homes

Green Cleaning Tips and Tricks Uncategorized

Great Smelling Natural Household Cleaning

These days you don’t have to use harsh chemicals to clean your home.  There are many antibacterial cleaners on the market today that can be used around the house for cleaning, doing laundry, or even for personal care.

Personally, I prefer making my own antibacterial cleaners with natural ingredients of my choice.

Many natural alternatives to chemicals have antibacterial properties that work just as well. Soap and water is the cheapeast and least hazardous way to kill germs effectively.  For quicker cleaning of countertops and baseboards, making a homemade antibacterial spray with great smelling essential oils can also get the job done.

Essential oils come from all types of plants which are broken down into their purest form.  Some of these oils contain natural antibacterial ingredients.  

One of my favorite oils to use when cleaning comes from the thyme plant.  Thyme has actually been proven to be a better antibacterial agent than most of the toxic chemicals that are found in common hand cleaners and soaps.

Lavender is another oil that can be used for antibacterial purposes.  Lavender also has great antiseptic and antiviral properties.    

Rosemary and Peppermint essential oils are also good antibacterial agents. Peppermint is great to add to household cleaners because of its smell. 

Citrus essential oils like orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, and lemongrass are all wonderful at killing bacteria.  Orange oil also has antiviral and antiseptic properties.  

Eucalyptus essential oil is also a favorite of mine that has anti-fungal, antiviral, antiseptic and antibacterial properties.  I add a couple drops of this to my homemade cleaners all the time!

Another common oil known for its antibacterial property is Tea Tree oil.  Tea Tree essential oil is also a great antiseptic, antiviral, and anti-fungal cleaner.

When making your own homemade cleaner, add about 2 or 3 drops of your favorite essential oils to one cup of water.  Pour mixture into a spray bottle.  Shake well before using.  Spray on surface and let it air dry.  Keep mixture stored in a cool, dark place.

When using oils to clean, make sure to use 100% essential oils, not “scented” oils.  Essential oils can be found at health food stores and can also be purchased online.

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