Sparkle & Smile

Blog for Cleaner and Healthier Homes


Creating a Safe, Green Environment for Your New Baby – Part I

My children are grown, moved out and I no longer have to think about creating a safe environment for them, except for the fact a mother never stops worrying!  However, now that my life has changed and I am aware of the benefits of Green Cleaning, I often think about how hard it must be for new mothers to sift through all the media hype about what’s best for their children’s health.

I believe we are all more health conscious and want to make better choices when it comes to our diets, our skin and our lifestyles. But I know that even though I am more informed on the terrible side effects that chemicals have on all of us, I don’t always make the right choices.  So what are the basics a young mother should know when designing an environmentally safe haven for her newborn?  We all want the best for our children and I know that I used to resort to my mother’s advice, but today’s a different world and science has taught us some great lessons.  Over the next few days I will post a series of simple ideas to “Green Up” your child’s environment. Here are the first 2:

1. The first step is choosing the right color paint for the nursery.  Right?  Wrong!  The first step is choosing a paint that is VOC-free!  What are VOCs?  Volatile Organic Compounds that release toxic chemicals into the air.  Instead choose paints made from natural ingredients.  Your local paint store will be able to help you choose the right paint.  Low-VOC paint is much more available than it was years ago.

2.  To avoid the dust mite build up in the room and reduce your baby’s risk of developing allergies, I would suggest choosing hard surface flooring instead of carpet. 

Maid Brigade uses specialized vacuums that remove 99.9% of all dust mites and other respiratory irritants such as pollen, pet dander, hair, mold and dust than traditional vacuums.  And, we’ve tested our vacuums against our leading competitors’ – they’re proven to remove 3 times more air particulates than other maid services. Our vacuums are part of our green cleaning service, which protects your whole family, including baby, from the hidden health risks associated with traditional house cleaning services and products.

For baby’s health, Maid Brigade’s Green Clean Certified house cleaning service is a great choice.

Check back soon for the next installment in this series of green living tips.

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