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Sparkle & Smile

Blog for Cleaner and Healthier Homes

Healthy Body

Enjoy The Rest Of Winter By Keeping Your Family Healthy

Winter in New York this year has been pretty mild.  I have to admit, I am loving the weather!  But know matter what the weather is outside, there are still germs lurking around that can cause colds and flu.

Here are some quick tips to keep you and your family healthy for the rest of the winter:

Keep those hands clean!  This is probably the most important thing you can do to prevent a cold.  Vigorously rubbing with warm, soapy water for about 20 – 30 seconds is best.  Make sure you scrub your hands all over and rinse well.  In public restrooms, use a paper towel to turn off the faucet.

Teach children to wash their hands often, especially before and after eating or playing with other kids.

Avoid touching your face as much as possible, especially if your hands are not clean.  The eyes, nose and mouth are the most common ways to catch a cold. 

Teach children to keep germs to themselves by sneezing or coughing into their arms or elbows instead of into their hands.

Try to stay hydrated.  It helps keep your entire body operating at its best.  For your body to fight infection, it needs adequate water.  For most of us, drinking 6 to 8 eight ounce glasses of water each day will do the trick. Water is the best choice.  Avoid drinking too much soda, coffee or sugary juice drinks which can actually dehydrate you. While orange juice can help because of the vitamin C, limit yourself to 8 ounces each day to be sure to get enough water in. Decaf green tea is also soothing, plus it has immune-boosting antioxidants.

If someone in the house smokes, avoid contact with them while they are smoking.  The inhalation of secondhand smoke can affect the ability of the respiratory system to work properly to protect against viruses.

Getting enough rest helps keep the immune system strong.  It can also help shorten the duration of an existing cold.  Kids usually need 8 to 10 hours of sleep.

A healthy diet can also keep colds away.  Add some vitamins A and C into your diet.  If you do catch a cold, don't under estimate the power of a good bowl of chicken soup.  It soothes the throat, clears the head, and makes us feel better.

Maid Brigade House Cleaning Services cares about our environment and health of you and your family.  For more information on healthy green living and green cleaning, please log on to and  Watch our video on achieving work/life balance at  To learn more about the hidden allergy and asthma triggers in your home, log on to



Tips from past blogs at also used.


















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