Planning on doing a little holiday shopping this weekend?
If so, protect yourself from cold and virus germs that may be lingering in those crowded stores:
Hand washing. Proper hand washing is the key to protecting yourself from germs. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that hand washing is the most important thing we can do to keep from getting sick and spreading germs to others.
Got cough? Colds are easily spread after someone coughs or sneezes into their hands and then touches another surface. This happens over and over in stores, especially at the countertops near the check out line.
Keep your germs to yourself by coughing into your elbow or shoulder and not your hands.
Stay hydrated. Remember to drink water throughout the day while shopping so you stay hydrated and energized. Drinking fluids throughout the day helps boost your immune system, which can fight off germs.
Eat right. Instead of sugary snacks and greasy fast food, pack a granola bar and a piece of fruit ahead of time and snack on healthy snacks while shopping. Healthier foods keep your energy level up which can help make your holiday shopping easier.