Sparkle & Smile

Blog for Cleaner and Healthier Homes


Featured Franchise Maid Brigade of Spokane!

Husband and wife duo Terry and Laura Carty are the owners of Maid Brigade of Spokane—this week’s Featured Franchise! The pair brings an impressive resume of combined corporate experience to their role with Maid Brigade and it’s clear their business savvy is paying off. Maid Brigade of Spokane recently celebrated its sixth year in operation!

Terry and Laura are proud of their hard-working teams and encourage them to make suggestions on how to improve Maid Brigade’s already great service. The Carty’s also put special emphasis on employee safety, offering a bonus program for team members with continued safety records.

Maid Brigade of Spokane pays special attention to groups in the community too! The office regularly collects donations from customers for Union Gospel Mission. Says Laura, “We were impressed by the way [UGM] maximized every contribution and that it goes immediately into the local community.” The Cartys also participate in a localized version of ABC’s Extreme Home Makeover. Maid Brigade of Spokane provides free cleanings for the homes that have been newly constructed/remodeled to make sure everything is perfect for the family moving in.

The Cartys have some great deals in store for you!

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