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Sparkle & Smile

Blog for Cleaner and Healthier Homes


Maid Brigade welcomes the Green Cleaning Coach

We’ve collaborated in the past with Leslie Reichert, the Green Cleaning Coach, to create content and videos for fans of DIY house cleaning to leave your home not only cleaner but safer. Now, Maid Brigade is proud to officially welcome Leslie Reichert to our blogging community. Leslie is a cleaning expert who uses her sparkling personality, great sense of humor and contagious passion to engage her fans and followers. Leslie realized her life mission after reading a quote that said that older women are called to “teach and encourage the younger women on how to love their husbands, love their children and to be pure keepers of the home… “

Leslie-ReichertLeslie says, “The joke was on me that I was no longer the younger woman, but the older one, who was being called to share my life experiences with others.”  She now divides her time between coaching individuals and speaking around the country. Her goal is to let people know that there are alternatives to toxic cleaners, most of which are already in your pantry. Her goal is to re-program people to go to the pantry first, instead of under the kitchen sink, when looking for a cleaner. And that is why we’ve asked her to come on board – to share her green cleaning tips so you can keep your home cleaner and safer until Maid Brigade comes to clean!

Leslie is known as a Green Cleaning Coach…

Leslie is an author, spokesperson and is a teacher of green home-keeping. She has been on the Dr. Oz Show, as well as a contributor for Real Simple, the Today Show and Woman’s Day Magazine. She is a frequent home-keeping expert on Martha Stewart Living Radio and author of the book: The Joy of Green Cleaning a handbook for DIY cleaners, including a collection of 101 homemade recipes that have been tested and proven to work as well as “store-bought” cleaners. The cornerstone recipe in her book is ‘Great Grandma’s Laundry Soap’ which is derived from her great-grandmothers laundry soap recipe. After testing the laundry soap, Leslie knew this and other old-fashioned recipes needed to be compiled into a convenient resource. Her mantra has now become: “We can change the world – one spray bottle at a time.”

Speaking of change – read her first blog for Maid Brigade – if a cleaning technique could change your life, this would be it: Bucket-less Mopping.

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